Handmade gift pile

On Sunday, I added two gifts to my pile. They were easy peasy, as most comments on my pattern can attest to.

365.326: platter of handmade gifts

Since then, I’ve added two more. As of today, I have 7 gifts complete. I started #8 this morning. I lowered my list by 1, but I think I’m going to re-knit #3, so I’m back to the 14 total. 7 of 14 complete means I’m halfway there!

Here’s a sneak peek at gift #6. It took me about 2 days to complete, which isn’t bad at all. I was able to finish it so quickly because my boys were sick, so we stayed in all weekend. Movie are great for knitting. Gift #7 is just a plain crochet beanie, so he won’t get any time in the spotlight of my camera.

365.327: peek at gift #6

gift #6 peek [2]

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! I’m hoping the nagging cough both my boys have is kaput by Thursday morning. I’m going to have a hard time feeling comfortable anywhere but home with two little ones sounding like they’re hacking up a lung. They had fevers all weekend, but those are gone, so I’ve set their status to “on the mend.” Let’s hope it stays that way. Andy’s suspicious coughing episode this afternoon had me worried for a bit.

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