embroidery: Easter eggs and pineapples

easter eggs & pineapples

I wanted to embroidery a doily. Then I thought about how delicate crocheting a doily is and how embroidering one would probably make me mad. SO, I stretched this lovely doily (that I had 3 of!) over some vintage fabric in an embroidery hoop and started embroidering on it.

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I just free-formed it, I guess. I used the openings in the lace to determine my pattern. I only used the back-stitch and ended up with something that sort of resembles a traditional crocheted chevron pattern.


Can you see it?? The chevrons/ripples/whatever? The pattern also kind of resembles an Easter egg, no? Like if you view it from the top? Please tell me I’m not hallucinating that effect!

I finished it off with a vintage button, that was part of a set I bought at an antique store a couple years ago.


It’s all nestled in a cherry-stained embroidery hoop.

Making this was totally relaxing. Following the doily pattern was stimulating, but easy. If you have a doily hanging about that is nice, but with no real purpose, I suggest doing this! The effect is nice and you can leave your favorite parts (in my case, the pineapples!) alone.

What do you think? Does it do the doily justice?

In my spare time

mini-doily diptych

Since my husband went out town on business, this week, I’ve had a lot of alone time in the evenings after the littles go to bed. I’ve spent that time watching Mad Men (I’m on season 3 already! <3) and crocheting these miniature doilies. I added a simple pin to the back and so they can be placed anywhere. Above, I pinned it to a piece of lace hem tape and tied it around my head. Voila! Instant headband. I will be listing some mini doily pins tomorrow and through the weekend. I have a plethora of colors available! And since my stash of hem tape has grown a bit in the past few months, I think I'll be sending a piece along with every mini-doily for you to use however you like. Stay tuned!

Two loves

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I love doilies and I love the soft ruffles on this shirt. I think they looked perfect together. My little doily brooch was my one and only Valentine’s Day accessory. I made one similar, last year, but I could not find it nor could I find the pattern, so I improvised. Looked at it in my photos, zooming in and out, until I came up with something pretty much identical. I just left off a round at the end. I kind of love it! I may make some for the shop. With my husband out of town, my evenings are pretty darn lonely after the littles get put to bed. What’s a girl to do besides hook? :)

doily brooch TtV
My doily brooch from last year, shot TtV style.

Woven Doily: giveaway edition


It’s time for a giveaway!

When I posted the woven doilies, last Wednesday, I knew I had to make more. I made a small one with only boyish colors, then another with some yellow hues, and most recently, this pink one. All the shades of pink scraps I had got put into this one. I absolutely adore it and I’m not even a big pink fan.


I think the outer bands of weaving kind of resemble a brick road, no? I put a black vintage button in the center because those reminded me of a poppy. Whatever you see, there’s no doubt that these colors are perfect for the Valentine season. I know I’ve missed the deadline for Valentine stuff, but I also KNOW there are a bunch of pink lovers out there.

So, come out of the woodwork and say hello!


This wonderful woven doily is framed by a beautiful Necchi embroidery hoop.


The back is gathered and most of the yarn ends are hidden. It lays relatively flat against a wall. I’ll include some extra pink yarn, in case you want to hang it another way.

coming soon to the blog!

To enter:
Just leave a comment saying hello! Tweet or blog about it for extra entries. Just come back and leave me a comment with your link(s).

Giveaway ends on Wednesday, February 16 at 8pm CST. Good luck everyone!

Woven Wednesday

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I’m one of those ladies that picks up doilies at the thrift store for 80 cents and thinks “Are you kidding me?! Those take forever to make!” and I carry them around like store like little treasures. Well, they are!

I also tend to buy groups of embroidery hoops. They’re usually really cheap and I’ve had great luck in finding them at even greater reduced cost. I don’t embroider much, so it’s pretty ridiculous that I have as many as I do. I’m always keeping an eye out on things to do with my hoops. I’ve made a few little projects here and there, like this photo hoop, but yesterday I decided to put a doily in one.


I married a few more doilies and hoops and liked the look, but it’s winter and I am in hopeless love with COLOR. I wanted it; I needed it; I had to have it. So, I grabbed my ever-growing jar of scrap yarn. I keep anything that’s about 12″ or longer. I wind tiny little scraps around my finger and put them in the jar. I chose a few colors and used a regular yarn needle to weave in and out of the holes of my doilies.


I covered most of the circular doily, but left a lot of the big open spaces in the pineapple doily…well, open. The pineapple turned into a leaf! I was really loving the effect and want to make moremoremore. This is the perfect sit-on-the-couch-with-a-movie project. Like granny squares, these would be absolutely perfect to use even the tiniest scraps of yarn on. Waste not, want not!


