The August Break 26 (fun with a doily)

The August 26

I’ve wanted to make one of these for a while. I didn’t have any starch or fabric stiffener on hand, so I used a bottle of Elmer’s. It worked pretty nicely.


Those are the general steps I took. A few hours after #4, I applied some more glue. I suppose one could pour the glue in a bowl and dip the doily in it beforehand to completely saturate it without re-applying later.




The August Break 18 (cyanotypes)


A photo by the sun.
A doily cyanotype.

The contrast in this sun print isn’t as great as I would like it to be, but it still looks pretty neat. I don’t know if the age of the paper has anything to do with it, but this kit is a few years old, I believe. I had a different kit with smaller paper that produced better results.

230.365: the doilies

The August Break 15

The August Break 15

the doily sun prints.
I found this Sunprints kit at the thrift store, last summer. I re-found it in my desk a few weeks ago and made some prints of leaves. Today, I took a break from my crocheting and made some prints OF crochet.

227.365: the doily prints

I’ll share more when they’ve had a few days to “develop” further (get a little more contrast in them!).

The August Break 04 (a sneak peek)

August Break 04

And voila! I have finally developed my own doily pattern. Please do not tell me it looks like a doily you’ve seen before. Just let me keep living my dream. It took a few days to develop and write it/crochet it, the first time. Then it took another day for me to test it myself. I watched 2 seasons of Buffy through out, taking breaks for super demon battles and lovesick vampire scenes. I fixed a few errors in my pattern and…I’m done with it! It’s been so satisfying. The pattern will be released in the fall (wompwomp, you have to wait!). I’ll have more details soon.

I enjoyed this pattern development–and come on, the end result is a beauty, no?–so much, I’m already drafting a second one. It’s a little less intricate, so perhaps I can release it sooner. I’ll keep you posted!

diptych: doily & pumice

diptych: doily & pumice

I love the looks of lace covered stones/river rocks/whatever. I thought I would try making one, but I don’t have any flat rocks AND I put away a lot of my crochet cotton. I DO have a few of these pumice stones from some personal care kits and a pile of doilies. And so I decided to use it to wrap this stone.

I love the clash of the textures!! The doily I used on this was annoyingly small. All my vases covered it completely and it felt purposeless. Not anymore!
