The August Break 26 (fun with a doily)

The August 26

I’ve wanted to make one of these for a while. I didn’t have any starch or fabric stiffener on hand, so I used a bottle of Elmer’s. It worked pretty nicely.


Those are the general steps I took. A few hours after #4, I applied some more glue. I suppose one could pour the glue in a bowl and dip the doily in it beforehand to completely saturate it without re-applying later.




21 comments to The August Break 26 (fun with a doily)

  • That is so lovely,Im definitely going to try and make some of those. Thanks for sharing

  • MJNo Gravatar

    I love making doily’s.I want a good old fashioned pattern.I tried something like this once and it failed.I”ll try this :)

  • LOVE LOVE LOVE. I have actually crocheted some of these…and gave them away as gifts. :] I love you stuff. Thanks for sharing. :] Visit me to see some of my crochet and other art…we have lots in common.
    K. :]

  • i LOVE this! it’s ridiculously cute and well, just gorgeous frankly.
    you’re such a clever cookie lisa!

  • what an awesome idea! love it! :) -Lo

  • Oooh – so cute!! I’ve been dying to try this, but starching always sounded like a big process. :) It’s so cute!

  • This looks fantastic! Is this a fabric or paper doily?

  • It is definitely fabric and I plan to do this. I have so many doilies and this is a good way to use and display them. JOYce

  • Rosalie ChowNo Gravatar

    I love this idea. I have make some dollies myself. I will try this. Question: do you pour the glue on a bowl and dip the dollies inside the glue. For how long? Thank you for sharing. Do you have anymore crafts ideas to share.

  • MichelleNo Gravatar

    Hi i’ve tried to do this but i think it is the humidity but my pieces loose their shape. Any thoughts on how i can fix this?

  • taniaNo Gravatar

    This is stunning…the doilybowl…did you crochet the doily too and if so…which pattern did you follow?

  • Cr0ch37Fr34kNo Gravatar

    I’ve seen pictures of these before, and they look really cool! After you starch them, are they stiff enough to use as a yarn bowl? I would love it if I could make my own.

  • AnNo Gravatar

    Just make sure you don’t get it near water.

  • Meenakshi KolachalaNo Gravatar

    i’m in awe!!!!!Hats off to ur creativity….i’m determined to make one..Thanx a lot for the idea..

  • CJNo Gravatar

    Lovely bowl! Light varnish afterward might be good if you live in a humid area like I do. The glue becomes tacky. I used a diluted glue to stiffen some snowflakes and they yellowed. That could make a bowl look antiqued but no one likes yellow snow!

  • April WrightNo Gravatar

    you do not have to use starch or fabric stiffener to harden you can boil a white potato and take the potatoes out after they cooked and use the water from them, awesome stiffener, or use sugar water, the potato water is a starch water I use this all the time, no problems for me if it is thick add more water, or reach in your cabinet and use cornstarch. I love to use these no yellowing and stand the ruffles up for a longtime Good luck

  • Gloria VasquezNo Gravatar

    I’m trying to do the bowels with paper doilies..but they keep sticking..what can I put so they won’t stick..also what is best to use helmets glue or mod posh?

  • ArshadNo Gravatar

    i loved it… wanna try it at home… can you please guide how long takes to dry? and how many times you dipped it in the Glue? did you use any thing else glue?

  • CsloanNo Gravatar

    This is such a good idea for all my sample dolies. would make great little baskets to fill with “what nots” as Christmas gifts or hostess gifts.

  • SandraNo Gravatar

    I have made quite a few but I used plaster of Paris. Looks beautiful.