A Month of Craft Photos: Days 21-28

A Month of Craft Photos: Day 21
21; crafting companion (orig. #30)
this pillow sits on the top edge of the couch and the kitten likes to nap there almost every time I sit to knit.

A Month of Craft Photos: Day 22
22; contrast
a colorwork hat–diagonal shifting stripes. I was in that sort of mood for a few days. I learned– knitting with both of my hands makes them cramp up big time! I don’t usually get any hand cramping problems, but when I’m knitting with two colors, my left hand ends up sore for a few hours.

A Month of Craft Photos: Day 23
23; inspiration from clothes
fun, bold colors, patterns, teal, red, etc.

A Month of Craft Photos: Day 24
24; up close
I love lace. Orange lace? Even better.

A Month of Craft Photos: Day 25
25; when I craft
knitting in the morning; listening to dreams of the little ones while they munch on eggs and toast.

A Month of Craft Photos: Day 26
26; organization
really, this is just a shelf of yarn that will get used up soon. my stash is located in bins, but the yarn that will be used up soonish gets put on the shelf. I like looking at the colors–inspiration abound!

A Month of Craft Photos: Day 27
27; the wrong side
I finished the hat I was working on a few days ago. It’s a colorwork hat, so the wrong side is all sorts of lovely stripes of wool. I like the floating yarn!

A Month of Craft Photos: Day 28
28; simplicity
the crochet looks complicated. I bought the doily for a great price because it has a hole in it. Placed in an embroidery hoop, it’s a simple, yet beautiful, wall adornment.

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I wish you could put your ear up to my heart
and hear how much I love you

“unfinished” by Mineral

The husband leaves for Las Vegas on Saturday, so I’m feeling the blues creeping up. I’m trying to distract myself with various projects, but it’s tough.

About the only thing I’m looking forward to while he’s gone is the evening routine. I KNOW. That sounds weird and awful to do alone, but my boys (especially the little one) listen to me more when dad’s away. I guess having daddy downstairs always tempts them to come down and run crazy all evening. While J is away, I will set them up in bed by 8 and have the evening to myself. I’m planning on cleaning, catching up on Supernatural*, organizing my yarn, and knitting/crocheting. Or maybe I’ll just sleep.

*The past two months, I’ve jetted through the first few seasons and am now kind of addicted. I stay up way too late and may or may not have sobbed for a good 15 minutes after one particularly grueling season finale. How lame do I feel admitting that? Not at all. This show is iiiiintense.

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take the picture now: Houston Zoo edition


We decided to take a little trip to the Houston Zoo, this weekend. We invited the boys from our cub scout pack to go with us. We spent five hours there and yet we didn’t see everything. It’s such a massive place! We definitely want to go back and check out other stuff. We have a “Supporting” membership and so we can take a pretty decent group with us. For free! This thing paid for itself after the first visit.





Grandma went with us!

An Instax self-portrait by Nathan. The close-up filter is so cool!
Just say “booooooo!” to flash.
There are TONS of succulent plants (mainly agaves, aloes, and other cacti) around the zoo. Love.

I had my DSLR with me, but I didn’t take it out once. Instead, I used up a whole pack of Instax Wide film. I really love this camera! I posted some Instax photos, last week as well. Maybe next time I’ll get some shots of the animals. Womp.

It’s so bright out!


andrew vs. the sun

It’s been in the 70s, the past few days and it is downright ruining my winter mood. In fact, I’ve given up on Winter already. Spring designs and projects are being brainstormed and put in my little notebook already. I may even tackle some Spring cleaning, this weekend, too (I make no promises).

I’m sorry for the bloggy slowdown. I’m working on a few crochet projects and enjoying my one-on-one time with this little fella. I can hardly believe he’ll be FOUR (4!!!) in less than 5 months. He is a little sponge, so I’m trying to take advantage of it and really working on getting him ready for school next August. My new favorite line from him is when he tells me, “oh just forget about it, mom.” Yeah, he calls me MOM. And yeah, he wants me to just chill out. It’s all sorts of cute and him just SAYING it makes me…forget about it. It’s the best.

He’s wearing sunglasses I bought for Jason from Tumbleweeds for Christmas. J bought this wood veneer helmet and so when I saw these glasses, I HAD to get them.

It’s finally over.

357.365: the last

I never really want it to be over until it’s 8pm and we’ve been going-going-going for 2 days straight and I finally feel like I’ll explode with sugar and happiness. It sounds like it’d be sweet, but…no. If I exploded, it’d be horrible. And so we shuttle home and transfer children from car to bed and then collapse on the couch. I sleep for 12 hours and the next day, we do NOTHING. No cleaning, no sorting, no nothing. And then I REALLY want it to be over.

Yesterday, my mom took my boys for a few hours and I was able to take down the tree and pull down some decorations. They’re all sitting in a box on my living room floor. I want so desperately to be able to do things completely, but I struggle with it. I get distracted easily. I used to have discipline, but it lost its way. Maybe it doesn’t really matter, but sometimes I think it would be nice.

361.365: self portrait in an ornament
taken with my new camera!

It’s over. I’ll miss the ornaments and glitter, but I am really glad things can go back to normal.

How are you? Did Christmas wipe you out? Have you recovered?