Day 16: Someone who inspires me


This was a tough one!
I am constantly being inspired by people I meet through this blog. Heck, through the blogging world in general. They inspire me creatively and they inspire me to do better with my life.
To be a better mother,
to be a better photographer,
to be a better crafter,
to be a better blogger,
to be a better person.
I think it’s only fair to include EVERYONE.
You. Yes, you! You inspire me.

There, I said it. Thank you.

So Fawned 30 Days Hath November

real life + summer crafts

summer love

For those of you who have inquired about an apron pattern, I’ve finished drafting one and will put up later this week! I’m going to go through it again and make sure I didn’t miss anything and that the directions are clear and concise.

My boys party was pretty darn fun. His teacher made it a point that if he wanted to invite friends, he had to invite the whole class. So. We did. I was a little bit afraid no one would show up and absolutely terrified they ALL would. How many did? ONE. She brought along her 2 sisters (one a year older, one a year younger), and baby brother who is Andrew’s age. A friend of mine from high school brought her daughter and with the 7 kids total, I was exhausted at the end. I cannot even imagine the chaos that would have been a bigger party! Boy! I bow down to you super mamas.

Like, I said, though, ’twas fun! So fun, I didn’t snap any photos until my kids were opening gifts. ooopsies! You’ll just have to trust me when I say the kids had a terrific time in the moonwalk. Nathan partied ’til he puked. That’s right. He lost his lunch after a bunch of jumping in 90-degree heat. Luckily, his friends were gone already, so only me and grandma witnessed it. We forced him into a chill-out period in his bedroom. He was drenched in sweat and looked awful. After about 2 hours of cool down, he couldn’t help himself and came back down and jumped some more until we turned the moonwalk off.

Sorry for the puke story. I gotta keep it real!

ANYWAY. I am SO GLAD IT’S OVER. And I’m also glad that it was a party for both kids and I don’t have to repeat it all in a few months. I can rest until next May. I don’t care about any events except my boys’ birthdays! That’s the mom life for you.

Now, I have time to do more goodknits related stuff. I have the apron pattern and also the Terzetto beanie pattern to share!

I’m taking a break from typing, today, though, and spending my evening cutting and/or tearing this fabric into strips so that I can make some gnarly fabric tape.

151.365: fabric tape to be

Lovely summer florals!

Any super sweet summer projects going on? For us in Coastal Texas, June 1 = summer. 90+ degrees I only wish it would rain. My lawn is dying!

the most appropriate bumper sticker

120.365: thrift store love

Because we totally do.
In fact, we stopped at Value Village after dinner on Friday night and I found some vintage yarn and adorable little fella:

diptych: the owl cookie jar

Have you come across any sweet thrift scores lately? Do share!

Just smile!

it's me.

Thing I’ve been repeating to myself, this week:
-Laundry can’t kill you. It will try, but it won’t succeed.
-Your yarn will be there later.
-Your camera is your friend.
-The edibles will grow. (And it’s true! I have a jalapeno growing!)
-There’s always tomorrow.

Spring cleaning is in force. Sorta. I’m starting with closets. SO.MUCH.CLOTHES. I am kind of embarrassed. So much doesn’t even get used. Some is being donated, some will be put in a garage sale. I’m on my 4th (5th?) load of laundry. Ugh. Laundry won’t kill you. Laundry won’t kill you. Laundry won’t kill you.

Sometimes I wish my head were an amigurumi head. So cute and cuddly and always smiling.

like birds of a feather, we stick together.

89.365: threenager

It’s been a few weeks since I shared photos of my littlest. With Nathan in kindergarten, Andrew and I spend a lot of quality time together. He’ll be three (3!) in less than 2 months and that blows my weee mind. He’s learned his colors and shapes and can count to five. I suppose we could start working on numbers more.

He never really entered a “terrible two” phase, but I do believe he is a strong-willed child. I have had to learn how to get around it and sort of “trick” him into thinking my ideas are his. I do this a lot when I want to get photos of him.

dejected toddler


He gets annoyed when I try to keep him in a certain spot for long and makes it perfectly clear with his facial expressions. It doesn’t help that he’s at the age of awkward smiles. SO, unless I get a candid photo of him in a good mood, all his smiley photos look totally forced. Ages 3-5: the awkward smile phase. He’ll grow out of it in a few years. Right now, he’s just too occupied with much more fun things than my silly camera.

the firetruck

Like the big firetruck! Look, I turned day into night.

Which leads me into a little bit about my newest camera accessory. Cactus wireless flash triggers! I received them in the mail, last week. A late birthday present from my wonderful husband. A whole new world of off-camera flash has opened up for me and I am excited, scared, inspired, excited, and scared some more! I’ve taken a few photos with them and I’m so disappointed. You mean I have to PRACTICE?! (sarcasm)

Let’s see where this leads me.