A Month of Craft Photos: Days 11-14

A Month of Craft Photos: Day 11
11;a work in progress

On the 11th, this was what I was working on. Willow in eggplant. It’s done now. It’s gorgeous. SO beautiful, my mom has requested she receive one of these in the same color, ASAP.

A Month of Craft Photos: Day 12
12;a crafty gift

a few things picked out by my son for his teacher. I wrapped them up for him.

A Month of Craft Photos: Day 13
13;inspiration indoors

Oh how I love the juxtaposition of metal, wood, and lace. This framed doily is one of my favorites. It’s got a hole in it I mended with some contrasting thread. I just couldn’t leave it alone. Also- I need to dust.

A Month of Craft Photos: Day 14
14;where I craft

I sit on that yellow chair to knit or crochet. This is my yarn corner. You can sort of make out my winder attached to the little table. It’s an orderly mess. I can get through it most days and I don’t see how it can be tidier. I go through the yarn pretty quick and then it just gets replaced.

[See my other craft photos from this month.]

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Christmas: layered doily tree skirt


I was sitting in my knitting chair (tell me you have a designated knitting spot!) thinking about how I should make a tiny tree skirt for my tiny tabletop tree. I sighed when I realized that December was pretty much already here and I’d have to settle with a quick felt skirt. Nothing against felt, I just don’t have any of the GOOD stuff around and would have to use craft store felt, which is just plastic-y and gross.

I decided to forget about it and arrange one of my new shelves full of yarn. Upon combing through a few bags (tell me you sometimes store your yarn in plastic bags), I found a little stash of doilies. LIGHT!BULB!ON!

I took the base off my tree and threaded the metal tube through a few of the doilies and voila! A pretty lace tree skirt. No sewing, no gluing, no cutting, no nothing. It took me less than a minute to put together.






I like the messy mound of doily snow. I think it’s perfect for this tree full of little doily ornaments


little doily ornament

Now I need a bunch of tiny presents to put under it. I already ordered my husband’s gift off Etsy. It will be the first. I’m finally finishing up my toddler’s socks and I’ll wrap those up for the tree, too. I need the perfect little gift for my 6 year old, though. Hmmmm. He’s already getting a ton of random crap (I know, I know), so I need something meaningful.

Worldless Wednesday: Evening Swing

swing details: chains

swing details: seat

284.365: swingtime!


Around the house: Simple Statement Wreath

looking grown

The simple statement wreath has found a home on a bedroom in my wall. I’m always changing the wall above my bed. I hope to find a semi-permanent decoration for that space one day. For now, though, the wreath looks spectacular. I made another one (green!) and it’s above my green couch. They’re different shades of green, so they complement each other well.

I realized a while ago that you can spot the wreaths in some of my photos. The one above was taken yesterday. My Andrew is looking grown up! He sorta-kinda needs a haircut, as he’s constantly pushing it out of his eyes, but I’m waiting for him to lead us. We were close a few weeks ago (grandma got her scissors out!), but he changed his mind at the last minute. I’m letting him decide because the last thing I want is a squirmy screaming child close to sharp scissors. We’ll probably head to a professional and while I’m sure they’re used to scared kids, I don’t want to be a burden on them. So, we wait.


Taking photos of a blanket I was working on and I ended up with a wreath in the background of both!

Have you made a wreath using my tutorial? You should add it to the Ravelry page (click below)!

A Texas to Squeeze

251.365: Texas heart

This morning, the big boy was at school, the little boy was still asleep, the husband had just rode off to work, and I was drafting up some knitting patterns. I got the sudden urge to sew. For some reason, I really wanted a Texas to squeeze.

I made one.

Texas Pillow

I just drew it on the back of some fabric (folded over), pinned it and sewed on the line. It took forever to stuff, but in the end it’s a sweet huggy shape and I can’t wait for my kiddo to get home from school. He kind of loves the shape of Texas. Who doesn’t?! No matter what you think of the actual state, it’s a bad ass shape.


And oh so squeezeable.