Another November sponsor is here with a SUPER adorable DIY! My son is on Thanksgiving break and I think we’ll be making a few of these this week!
Hello, Goodknits readers!
I’m Kate from, Otillie’s Closet and I’m thrilled to be posting on one of my favorite knitting blogs. Lisa is such an inspiration by balancing an active knitting and crochet life all while keeping track of her two adorable boys. Because of that, I thought her readers (you!) might enjoy a fun holiday DIY that involves yarn and is kid-friendly. I remember making these as a kid and in fact I still have a few hidden away in a box that I put on my tree every year. These simple Winter Hat Ornaments are perfect to make while digesting your Thanksgiving turkey.

You might have even made these as a kid as well! In case you don’t quite remember this tutorial is for you! Let’s get started by gathering a few supplies…

1. Scissors
2. Toilet paper or paper towel tube
3. Sharpie
4. Measuring tape or ruler
5. Scraps of yarn! Grab any size and any colors you have in your stash.

Flatten your paper tube. Don’t worry about bending it.

Measure sections that are 3/4 of an inch wide. Use your sharpie to mark and then cut.

With a regular toilet paper tube I got five rings.

Cut yarn strands roughly 14 inches long. Don’t worry about being too exact! Fold each piece in half and cut as many as you possibly can.

Slip the loop from one strand of yarn through a paper tube. Loop it around the two ends and pull tight.

Keep going all the way around the tube. Make sure you have enough strands to cover the paper but don’t squash the yarn too closely together.

Now squish all those strands through the tube….you’ve just formed the brim of the hat!

Using one of your spare strands of yarn tie a double knot about an inch from the brim. I also used this strand to tie a little loop which I will use to hang the ornaments.

Trim the loose strands to form a puffball. Make it as fluffy or as short as you want!

And there you have it! Pretty cute, right? It’s pretty fun to get creative with different colors and fibers. I used two worsted weight yarns and one bulky. Little fingers might have more success with bulky yarn.

I hope you have fun with these little guys…they are kind of addicting to make! Thanks to Lisa for letting me do this post – it made me feel like a kid again. If you make any of your own stop on by my blog and let me know!

Aren’t these the cutest??! I want to grab my whole jar of scraps and start making a bunch. I may have to pass this DIY on to my kiddo’s teach for them to make before Christmas vacation. Go visit Kate’s blog and tell her how awesome she is!
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Ha same
Thank you Kate; very nice, easy craft for us knitters with all our leftover yarn.
I sorry I don’t have a blog yet. Next year when I retire and I am counting the days!
These little hat ornaments are so cut and they are perfect for me. I have most of the scrap yarn left from when my mother passed and not enough of one color to make anything with. Yeah, thank you Mom for being so thrifty!
My daughter, granddaughter and I are getting ready to make Christmas gifts for everybody we know this year. I have a couple of ideas but now I KNOW everybody is getting a hat ornament.
I’ve never seen or made these, Lisa. Thank you SOOOO very much for posting. Now I have to make one to show my girls how cute they are!
Vicki Martinson
Thank you for this fun and easy project. It’s one that my granddaughter and I can do together and have fun. Not too hard for those young little fingers.
This will be a PERFECT craft idea for our polar explorer themed Vacation Bible School next summer – plus, a great big “see, I told you there was a reason I was saving all those TP rolls, and never threw out my leftover yarn, honey!” :)
Could also see these as invitations to a surprise party “keep this under your hat, we’re having a surprise ________ shower/party (and then the details).
Could also be used as place cards for a winter reception, and oh my goodness, so many other ideas!
thanks for the ideal thing for my kids in children church to do. thanks again and God bless you and your family. Ida Davis
Thank you for the post! I love these cuties and have made my first one. I am off and running. As others have said, everyone will be getting an ornament from me!!!
These are just DARLING! I am off to make some now, TOO CUTE!!
OMG I love these…Tried them out in Team colors…Everyone LOVED them…Grand kids had a blast making them also…Now they all have them hanging in their cars..Thanks for such a cute idea….
looks like a nice ornament for the tree. I will try it. will go it in Christmas colors. thanks
Martha Lofton
Cute idea. I like to make ornaments for my nieces and nephews. Going to make them each one n their favorite color. Might also do some in team colors.
Thanks for the idea! I’d just finished my exams and didn’t know what to do for the entire holiday until I came across this page. I already have a paper bag full of yarns so all I need was the toilet rolls. And now I’ve made 15 of them in just 3 days (can’t make more since I’m out of toilet rolls already)! Thanks again!
Oh yay!! I remembered making these in elementary school, and could not for the life of me remember HOW!
I remember when this pattern was available last year. I gave it to my sister as she does craft shows. I know this has to be one of the cutest patterns around. Thanks for sharing it again this year. I had searched numerous times for this pattern and could not find it. I was thrilled to see it again.
You can also use these for small dolls (Barbie, etc.)
What weight of Yareli is best to use?
Just made 2 of these today while at work. (Slow day). It was so easy and it looked great when I finished. Thank you for sharing.
Very cute, will plan to make some. Thanks
I always like to get started on things like this early! Planning on making a lot to give my co-workers for Christmas! Thanks for a wonderful idea!
Love these and like that you have close up photos. However, the first 2 photos of wrapping the yarn around the tube does not match the last two of how the yarn will face when wrapped.
I’d like to make these with my girl scout troop, but want to make sure I have enough yarn. Do you know approximately how many strips it took to make one hat? I have 15 girls in my troop. Thanks! They are super cute and can’t wait to make them with my girls. :)
The staff and patients at our hospitals’ senior care unit had so much fun making these for the tree!Thank you!
I am just going to make one, I think they are great.
My granddaughter is coming on Monday guess what I am going to get her to do.
Ohhhh lord.. My daughter is going to love this! I’m going to prep everything for this weekend! And for Christmas she will be giving out sets of 6 … :) … And I’m sure if I post on handmade craft sites she will sell a ton!!! She will have a huge stock… She is so into all things crafty!!!
WOW !!! I am definitely gonna try this :)
İ still couldnt imagine that i made it its really interesting ★ ★
What a great idea. thank you.
Making it to sell at a school Craft fair
Kiva juttu nyt ykkösten kanssa kokeillaan ja ihan varmasti. Ihanaa jotenkin erilaista tonttua.
I like to make snowmen out of Styrofoam I want to put hats on them and
I am going to use this pattern to make them, I found out that if you rub the bottom and top of each ball and use glue gun to stick them together and then it has flat surface to stand, a orange tooth pick for nose, map pins for eyes and buttons, pipe cleaners for arms, scrape of material for scarf and what a
Cute snowman you have
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I just discovered these 8/8/18 and can’t wait to make a zillion to sell at our winter craft fair.
I have done 2 so far…..I’m in love with these!!
next time can you speak.
I love them I am 9 and I will ask my mom if I can make it with me for Christmas all are Christmas ornaments are gone this year pleas do not help me
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Meerut is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is an ancient city, with settlements dating back to the Indus Valley civilisation having been found in and around the area. The city lies 70 km northeast of the national capital New Delhi, and 430 km northwest of the state capital Lucknow.
Meerut is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is an ancient city, with settlements dating back to the Indus Valley civilisation having been found in and around the area. The city lies 70 km northeast of the national capital New Delhi, and 430 km northwest of the state capital Lucknow.