Goodknits in Craftsanity Magazine

doilies & love

Hello, friends!

I just wanted to inform you that the doily blanket pattern I have been teasing you with will finally be available next week in the Fall 2011 issue of Craftsanity Magazine! You’ll also find my Mary Jane slipper pattern inside and a Q&A with your’s truly. How exciting is that? My patterns are among the 20 patterns, tutorials, and recipes in this issue. Read more about it and pre-order your print copy here. If you’d rather view it on your computer, a PDF version will be available next week, so subscribe to the Craftsanity blog to stay posted.

I am so super excited to finally get this pattern out there. I have made SEVEN of these blankets already and to be honest, it’s a pretty interesting pattern. You crochet with worsted weight yarn, so it’s only 25 rounds and you’re able to see your stitches. It is a doily pattern, though, so on the first go I recommend paying attention and counting stitches. However, you quickly get the hang of it and your mind begins to anticipate the pattern. It’s fun and the piece you are left with is beautiful. I hope I get to see a lot of blankets made from this!

If you aren’t crochet savvy or don’t have the time, I will be putting a few blankets up for purchase on the 26th and there will be two different giveaways in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

A Texas to Squeeze

251.365: Texas heart

This morning, the big boy was at school, the little boy was still asleep, the husband had just rode off to work, and I was drafting up some knitting patterns. I got the sudden urge to sew. For some reason, I really wanted a Texas to squeeze.

I made one.

Texas Pillow

I just drew it on the back of some fabric (folded over), pinned it and sewed on the line. It took forever to stuff, but in the end it’s a sweet huggy shape and I can’t wait for my kiddo to get home from school. He kind of loves the shape of Texas. Who doesn’t?! No matter what you think of the actual state, it’s a bad ass shape.


And oh so squeezeable.

Wool & Wood & Want

the branch of hats

While I wanted to start blogging with gusto in September, I am finding myself straying. Not far, don’t worry. I am just busy crocheting & knitting and preparing stock for GOODKNITS 2011. I thought I’d share a little peek with you.

These hats are my favorite. Made of soft wool in a few different lovely colors. They are slouchy, but still ultra warm.

I’ve also knit up some hats for the MEN. Shocker, I know. I became quite smitten with stranded knitting, though! I had to jot down a few designs for the boys. I’ve come up with a few different colorwork designs and am on the fence on whether I’ll be writing up patterns. I love sharing with my fellow knitters, but it takes quite a bit of time and effort to turn my notes into real instructions. We’ll see!

Do you like my hat rack? A yarn wrapped branch pinned onto my wall. The branch had just the right curvature to make a lovely rack for the hats.