Small Style: Andrew

Small Style: Andrew

It’s been a few weeks since I made one of these. It’s been pretty hot, so my kids are usually in underwear and a t-shirt until it’s pool time and then it’s just swim trunks. Wash, rinse, repeat. I wanted to document this outfit, though. We were on our way to the grocery store, so he had to be clothed.

Notice how nothing matches! I love that kids can pull this off. I will be sad when e cares what colors/patterns match with which.


200.365: the boy on a bench

shirt: thrifted; shorts: gifted; shoes: gifted Converse; socks: sponebob yellow!

Check out Mama Loves Papa for more Small Style!

6 comments to Small Style: Andrew

  • I think he looks absolutely adorable!

  • LivNo Gravatar

    So sweeeeeet! :-)

    Greatings from Gisa

  • OMG I love him. I want to love him and kiss him and call him my own. (j/k) But he is so sweet! Reminds me of my little guy at that, sadly he has lost the squishy-ness. We too are in chonies and a shirt unless we are leaving the house. I say we but I mean my two little ones! (shhhesh!)

  • He is so cute. I totally love those chubby legs in socks and sneakers – adorable!

  • cathyNo Gravatar

    Oh he is so hugable, I love seeing his photos but then I’ll get a teeny bit sad cos they grow sooo fast, my boy is 4 now and his baby fats are getting lesser n lesser as he shoots up in height….

  • he he – he’s such a cutie! And oh, those cheeks! :) I didn’t even notice what hew as wearing, at first – but I, too, envy kids and their pattern-mixing – I love looking back at old photos where I *know* I picked my own clothes…lol. :)