love & lovelove

35.365: lovelovelove

Okokok, it’s winter–I get it!

The weatherMEN in this dear city all had snow in their forecast for us, this morning! They closed the school district, declaring a snow day. My son was supremely excited! He even went to bed at his normal time in order to wake up early and frolick in the snow.

Alas, there was NO snow, this morning. Nada, zip, zilch. Oh, but don’t you worry your pants off, there was plenty of ice to entertain him for a bit. My sister didn’t have to work on account of the ice on highways, so she took him around the house, picking up frozen leaves and whatnot.

morning painting

After breakfast, we got to work making Valentines for his classmates. I used the idea found here (via this February round-up of sorts on Smile and Wave) and we made enough for the whole class and his teacher. After we finished, I grabbed a blank sheet and started with lines. He added hearts. I wrote “love” in cursive, so he wrote it twice in his adorable handwriting. He outlined my hearts, I outlined his. It was a collaboration of the best kind.

more love love


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