Small Style: Nathan 03


MAN, IT’S HOT. Ok. Broken record, I know, but good golly I am SOOOO ready for Autumn. We put our swing-set way back here, between the only 2 trees in the whole backyard. It’s on an easement, so maybe one day the city will need to dig it up, but the swings would not get used if they were out in the sun. No way.

Nathan got a new pair of shoes, today. They’re supposed to be for school, but he likes them so much and I would totally suck if I made him stare at them everyday for the next 3ish weeks before letting him wear them. Who cares if his shoes aren’t brand-spankin’ new on the first day? Not us. He chose these Simple Carport Sneakers because they look like his jacket, but guess what! The uppers are made with 55% recycled wool taken from thrift store coats! AND the bottoms are made from recycled tires. His greatest love is cars, so that fact kind of thrills him. “My shoes are made from CARS.” Yeah. Hello, dream shoes.






Nathan is wearing–
shirt: Children’s Place
pants: old Levi’s
socks: Toy Story (Woody!)
shoes: Simple Shoes Carport Sneakers

Andrew is wearing–
underwear: Spongebob Squarepants

My toddler kind of shuns clothes, these days. I wish I could.

Check out Mama Loves Papa for more Small Style!

Fotos Friday: black & white

185.365: the straight lines

186.365: the kid in the pool

187.365: the life of a kiddo

188.365: the zinnia bouquet

189.365: the remote photographer

After my month of color, I decided to dedicate this past week of my project 365 to black and white.

Mondaythe straight lines. I observed the beauty of these lines on the highway. It was Independence Day and we were searching the outskirts of the city for fireworks. Alas, a ban was in place on account of the drought. Boo.
Tuesdaythe kid in the pool. Evening– it’s the only time the sun isn’t plotting to kill us.
Wednesdaythe life of a kiddo. Andrew completely gave up the opportunity to nap and instead jumped on my bed trying to do somersaults. He failed.
Thursdaythe zinnia bouquet.While the boys tried to trap ants in circles of chalk, I picked these zinnias. most of them were on their last breath and the stems had already put out more stems, so I should see a few more blooms soon.
Fridaythe remote photographer. Andrew likes snapping photos of himself. I have to chase him in the viewfinder, as he often leaves the frame.

I ♥ faces: BOYS


Let me introduce you to my new favorite photo of my kiddos. They wanted “fuel” for their bikes, so I asked for a photo in return. THEY OBLIGED. And it was pretty darn cute.

See more adoooorable photos at this week’s challenge on I ♥ faces!

Small Style: Nathan

A few blogs I read participate in Small Style every week and I always think, “I’m going to take photos of one of my boys so I can join in on the fun!” And then Friday comes along and I completely missed it. D’oh!

But I’m here, this week! A few of you commented on Nathan’s style in his retrospective post.

I’d like to take this time to mention I have absolutely zero style. I’m in jeans and t-shirt about 98% of my life. I will bust out the dresses for Mother’s Day or other holiday, if I feel like it and I usually don’t. SO. I’m happy to have boys who should be easy going when it comes to clothes. For the most part, they ARE pretty easy, but every once in a while, Nathan will make a big fuss about what he’s going to wear.

He went through a purple phase and he wore his purple Levi’s every other day it seemed. Then, all of a sudden, he shunned purple and his purple jeans have lived in his drawer since. Currently, he is obsessed with a vest. The vest seen in his retrospective post. I found it at the thrift store a few weeks back and since he was at grandma’s that weekend, I bought it because I liked it. When he saw it, though….it was love.

Anyway, here is what he wore the other day. The day he finally deemed himself ready for his birthday photos. 4 days late, but whatever. I can dig it.

157.365: the big kid


diptych: the six year old's style
shirt & shoes: Children’s Place; jeans: Target; vest: thrifted; tie: from a dressy set; hat: Ross.

He usually picks out his own clothes. Sometimes he makes some completely absurd choices, but lately, he’s been asking me what I think looks good together. Ack! I should probably pick up on this fashion thingy people are always so invested in. It might be helpful.

Check out Mama Loves Papa for other adorably stylish cuties!

My best shot!

But really. I don’t know if I’d ever be able to choose a “best” or “favorite.” I mean, I have thousands of photos of my kids. To give each one the attention and decide if its worthy of even being in the running for best would take forrrrreverrr!

That said, I will forever and always love this shot of Nathan. It’s so HIM. It’s hanging in our foyer in canvas form–happily greeting visitors to our home!

nathan has a tongue [b&w]

Do you dare try and choose your best shot? If so, check out the photo competition on The Paper Mama, this month!

The Paper Mama