Productivity: increasing!

orange round pillow

Look at what I finished up, today! I crocheted the front on Friday and it sat on my loveseat all weekend. I kept throwing ideas around about completing the pillow. They’d land on uninterested ears (my husband, my kids, etc) but it wasn’t until last night that I decided to use one of my favorite vintage pillow cases as the back.

I liked this idea because I could use the pillow’s natural hem as the envelope-back hem. Less sewing! I used a brown paper bag to cut a circle pattern. I marked off half the circle and two thirds of it. I cut out my pieces, pinned them to the crocheted circle and hand-sewed it together. The seam isn’t perfect and my [foam] pillow form is kind of hard, but I really like the end result!

This orange packs a punch and the flowered back is just lovely! It’s the same fabric I used to make my last camera strap cover.

fabric buttonround pillow--back

I dig this fabric so much, I couldn’t just toss the scraps. Instead, I made more buttons:


If you love them, you could buy them from my Etsy shop, here. They would qualify for my BOGO 50% off sale!

BOGO 50% off sale!

Some of my listings are expiring, so I’m having a BOGO 50% off sale! Buy one item and get a second of equal or lesser value for HALF off! I’ll issue a refund minus the shipping cost. Click on the image above to get to my shop. Thanks for the support!

I’m currently working on a few new items, including some brooches, bookmarks, and hats for the fall.

New bookmarks!


I crocheted and [finally] listed these 3 new bookmarks. You can find them in my shop.

I have 3 others that need to be photographed. I really do enjoy making these. Even with those tiny stitches! My favorite part might be choosing the buttons and thread, though. I arrange about 6 bookmarks, place the supplies in their own little baggies, then start crocheting them off. It’s a nice little set up. I haven’t lost anything yet, so that’s a plus.

My baby turns TWO in TWO WEEKS! ah! This weekend, my cousin graduates college, so my mom and I are taking a little road trip to attend the ceremony. Daddy will stay behind with the boys. He’s taking the big one to his very first baseball game and the little one might (!!!) spend the night (!!!!) with grandma!!! That would mark 2 off of my 25 before 26 list in one day! Ah! I’m not sure I’m ready, though J says Andrew could totally handle it.

Shop sale, Giggling Two’s, and Thank you

First, I’m having a tiny sale in the shop, today. It’s Earth Day, so the cupcake containers and cassette wallet (both made of repurposed items) are 20% off. You could get a cupcake container for $12! You still get the free mini-brooch, if you buy any of those items.

Now, onto the giggling two’s….I like this age. He turns two in a little less than a month (!!!!!!). Sure, he throws a tantrum every now and then, but I think the fact that he thinks pretty much everything is absolutely gut-punching hilarious makes up for it. He has giggle fits every night before bed. Then he whines a bit and passes out, but still! The 5-10 minutes where a sideways stare makes him bust into a fit of laughter make the other more pressing and stressful times that much easier to handle.


He still doesn’t talk much, but he understands a lot. He’s a big daredevil, but he can’t jump off of things, yet. He thinks he does, though, so please don’t tell him he’s totally doing it wrong. He likes to play with pens (and markers, but those are messssy)–specifically the tops. He spent a solid 10 minutes pulling it off and putting it back on. Over and over and over! He’s starting to love shoes. If you came over any time through out the day, chances are he’ll be walking around in boots and a diaper. Naked, but with cute shoes on! Who wouldn’t want to do that all day?

Lastly, a big “THAAAANK YOU!” to all who have entered, blogged, or tweeted about the giveaway! I really, truly appreciate it! If you haven’t entered…go! Do so! Only 20 more entries for a runner-up prize! I get a big thrill out of giving stuff away. I may have to change #20 on my 25 before 26 list to “Have a giveaway every month!”

New item: bookmarks!


Dun, dun, dun…They have arrived! Bookmarks are now available in the goodknits shop! I started making these when I ran out of pins for brooches. Oooops! I’m glad, though, because these are rather cute. Plus, not everyone is the brooch-y type. Go check ’em out and tell me what you think! It would be most appreciated.

Also, don’t forget that EVERY order until Mother’s Day will receive a free mini-brooch! Don’t worry, I bought more pins.

book shelf

Don’t forget Mother’s Day is May 9! Order soon, to ensure delivery!