The August Break 18 (cyanotypes)


A photo by the sun.
A doily cyanotype.

The contrast in this sun print isn’t as great as I would like it to be, but it still looks pretty neat. I don’t know if the age of the paper has anything to do with it, but this kit is a few years old, I believe. I had a different kit with smaller paper that produced better results.

230.365: the doilies

The August Break 10

The August Break 10

White on white.
Because sometimes we need a break from color.

The August Break 07

The August Break 07

i’m kind of addicted to making these.

diptych: doily & pumice

diptych: doily & pumice

I love the looks of lace covered stones/river rocks/whatever. I thought I would try making one, but I don’t have any flat rocks AND I put away a lot of my crochet cotton. I DO have a few of these pumice stones from some personal care kits and a pile of doilies. And so I decided to use it to wrap this stone.

I love the clash of the textures!! The doily I used on this was annoyingly small. All my vases covered it completely and it felt purposeless. Not anymore!


I ♥ Vintage Craft [#2]


I’m back again to share some more Vintage Craft LOVE! My last post can be found here.

That hanger up there was made using some strips of torn fabric. The original idea came from Family Circle’s Favorite Do-It-Yourself Projects, copyright 1976.


In the book, they say to use old NYLONS. Like, old PANTYHOSE that you DYE whatever color you want. Ummmm I don’t wear pantyhose, so…no. I just tore some strips of vintage fabric and got to knotting!

I started on the end of the hook of the hanger and went down and around. If you know how to make a macrame bracelet, then you can do this project! It’s just a bunch of square knots. Imagine the hanger is your center strands and make your knots around it. Easy peasy! My rough estimation had my strip length total at about 11 yards. I had ten 40″ pieces. I knotted two together to start and when those ran out, I knotted two more to their ends. It took less than one episode of Big Love to complete.

Join in on the Vintage Craft fun:


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