Day 10: what I love about my job

diptych: plaid brothers
Instax: Fall plaid

I am a mother. That’s my job.
Clean toys, clean noses, clean clothes, clean butts. I basically do a lot of cleaning.
I also provide cuddles and knit hats.
I give out treats and warnings.
I have clocked in over 225 minutes of listening to my first grader read aloud (we have to keep count now. big UGH. let’s just read to read, k?) in the past week or two.
I enforce bed time and I comb hair.

What I love most? Watching those dudes grow.

So Fawned 30 Days Hath November

3 comments to Day 10: what I love about my job

  • Yay how sweet! I want to be a mom just like that. We are waiting a few years, but I look forward to the day when I can be a great mom to my kids. *^_^*

  • SO much cleaning… gah! We never had to keep track of minutes reading when our daughter was in 1st grade, we did have a notebook to keep track of each book read though, we got a new one every day. We still do that this year too. Keeping track of the amount of time spent would drive me a little bonkers!

  • Love this post! Being a mom is my favorite job too!