Old yo-yos & new blog look


First: On Sunday, we had pool time and delicious steaks at my husband’s step-grandma’s house. At one point during the day, Andrew wanted to explore and the first room we walked into had this amazing.beautiful.gorgeous.fkjdkajd;lkjd coverlet on the bed. Hundreds of yo-yos lovingly handmade and pieced together. I was speechless!

oh, yo-yo.

A while later, I mustered up the words to ask about it. It was made by her (my husband’s step-grandmother) great-great grandma. Ah! The history! What an heirloom. It inspired me to maybe (possibly. someday) make my own. Who knows if mine will ever be as beeeautiful as this one, but a girl can hope, right?

the yo-yos

Second: I bring you a new blog look! I know folks are more than likely viewing in a reader, so if you feel so inclined, hop on over and let me know what you think! I went header-less, this time. I’m just feeling it out. Thoughts?

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend!

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