Mandatory break: over

So, that ear problem I mentioned in my last post turned out to be an infection. I lasted until Wednesday morning and then HAD to see a doctor. He said there was a small infection in my left ear. By this time there was swelling on my neck, so I needed some help in the form of antibiotics. Wellll, it defintiely got worse before it got better. In fact, today is the first day I’ve woken up without pain. My right ear also ended up being infected and so I’ve been having a hard time hearing the past few days. They’re still pretty stuffy, today. I hope that they get back to normal before my prescription runs out.

Because of my ear woes, I had no desire to do much of anything all week. No blogging, no crafting, no nothing. I just sat around being mopey and complained about my ears on Twitter (@goodknits).

I think I’ll be better, this week. I started making some brooch bases last night and I have a little photo shoot idea in mind for them. I really want to go antiquing or something. I need to get outta here! I’ve finally gotten that energy I was seeking all week.

I’ll leave you with this quick snap of my littlest getting his hair cut by Grandma, last weekend.


Don’t worry, ladies, she only trimmed it a bit. ;)

1 comment to Mandatory break: over

  • tiaNo Gravatar

    Ear pain and mouth pain are the two very worst. I hope that you start to feel better, soon, and are fully recovered in no time.

    Cute haircut picture!!!!

    My little guy needs a haircut too. Only, he’ll be getting much more than a trim, at the request of his Daddy :(