By Lisa Gutierrez on 11/01/2012
The book character parade was all sorts of adorable. My kids looked like THIS before school. My heart went all mushy for my baby in overalls. I wish he could wear them all the time. For trick or treating, Waldo turned into some sort of zombie thing and the little mouse transformed into Darkwing Andrew. I didn’t get around to finding a duck bill, so we sort of nixed the duck part. He still looked pretty darn cute.

[You can see past Halloween photos HERE]
While they went trick or treating, I sat around and handed out candy. I got only a handful of trick or treaters before 7:30. The big groups started coming after 8, which is when I went in to get the boys ready for bed. Jason handed out the rest of the bucket and that was that.
Helloooo, November.
By Lisa Gutierrez on 05/14/2012
Did you know that last Friday was Tumbleweeds’ birthday? Well, it was! I didn’t get a chance to get online to wish them a happy birthday, but I’m here now to share a few shots I got of my boys on Mother’s Day. It was a beautifully sunny day. Nathan wore Jason’s glasses for most of it. He’s getting his own pair for his birthday. I had to hide them after they came in the mail, because if I stared at them everyday I would FOR SURE not be able to resist giving handing them over. Less than 3 weeks til he turns 7! The little one turns FOUR (4!) this Sunday. Let’s not talk about it.

Obviously, we had a pretty fun game of hide-and-seeks going on. Jason wins best hiding spot…every time. The boys win least creative, as they kept going back to the same place!
I hope everyone had a beautiful weekend! Mine was pretty darn nice.
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By Lisa Gutierrez on 02/17/2012
We survived the 6 days without daddy! One of the perks of him being gone is he brings gifts! Andrew got this adorable robot hat. Now he can chant “I.AM.A.ROBOT.” and actually look like one. Nathan got a different more “grown up” hat and I got chocolate! Weee!
The week without daddy wasn’t tough at all. MY dad helped out a lot. My boys lovelovelove grandpa and I lovelovelove not having to walk in the rain to pick up the big kid from school. It was pretty great having him around.
 sheeeeesh. guh-rown.
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By Lisa Gutierrez on 01/16/2012
By Lisa Gutierrez on 01/09/2012
there are blue skies in my dreams
and laughter that seems un-ending
there are green grass fields there
and happiness and hopes for tomorrow

Just a few photos from our weekend taken with my Instax 210. We were in our old neighborhood, so we passed by one of the parks we used to take the boys to and found it torn down and replaced with this new…weird structure. There was a slide there that had NO EDGES on it. AND it had an awkward twist way up top. It was terrifying! I was kind of bummed to see this new place because I took some pretty lovely photos of the boys there when Andrew was a baby. Oh yeah, there are also no swings left behind at the park. I’d be so upset if we still lived in the area!
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