Day 10: what I love about my job

diptych: plaid brothers
Instax: Fall plaid

I am a mother. That’s my job.
Clean toys, clean noses, clean clothes, clean butts. I basically do a lot of cleaning.
I also provide cuddles and knit hats.
I give out treats and warnings.
I have clocked in over 225 minutes of listening to my first grader read aloud (we have to keep count now. big UGH. let’s just read to read, k?) in the past week or two.
I enforce bed time and I comb hair.

What I love most? Watching those dudes grow.

So Fawned 30 Days Hath November

Past Halloween Cuties

the jack-o'-lantern

Happy Halloween, friends! We (I) carved this Jack-O’-Lantern on Friday night. My son helped me find a design on google. He wanted it to be scary and he chose this face. I am so very thankful for the straight lines. It’s been a very long time since I carved a pumpkin, so I wasn’t prepared for the blister I’d get on my finger. It’s all better now, thankfully.

It’s also my husband’s birthday, so I’ve spent the day getting a yummy dinner ready and trying to tidy up the place a bit. I’m pretty beat and I still have quite a bit left to do, but I wanted to pop in and share some of my favorite photos from the past few Halloweens. Caution: Much adorable below.

oct 31, 2006

This photo was taken in 2006. I had one baby and he was radical. He was also 1 and so very into Halloween. He was a red dragon with bodacious hips, but THIS polaroid is my favorite photo of the night. His smile, his ‘I love my mummy!’ shirt, his missing arm warmer…he was just so jazzed to be there.

Last year, he was an Incredible. We found his costume at a thrift store for under $3. I made his mask out of felt. WIN. ALSO–notice the similar pose to the Polaroid above? GUSH.


The baby’s past 3 Halloweens have gone like this: peanut, lion, pumpkin. He always brings the cute.


This year, they’ll be dressed as Iron Man and a police officer.

Instax: Iron Man
Instax: official police bike

After daddy’s birthday dinner and dessert, the boys will head out with him for treats and I’ll stick around to pass some out to visiting ghouls and goblins.

Stay safe, everyone! Enjoy this very last night of October. And wish this guy a happy birthday if you see him:

some old guy

Lace Love: Getting There

287.365: the blanket kid diptych

Hello, friends!
Things have been rather quiet around here as I’ve been putting most of my efforts into finishing up this booklet. I have finally made all the technical edits I wanted and only have to actually put the thing together. I’ve written an intro (I felt like a big ol’ dork) and composed a glossary with abbreviations used in the patterns. It’s really coming along!

The photo above is my son snuggling up with doily blanket #2. It’s bigger than the other one, but the pattern isn’t as complicated. It’s still pretty stunning, though. I’m totally keeping it.

blanket boy


Also–I finally caved and got an Instax. I chose the 210 because it reminds me of my Spectra. Oh, I miss using my Spectra. Someone give me a million dollars so I can buy lots of film. My SX-70 is feeling neglected, too.

Worldless Wednesday: Evening Swing

swing details: chains

swing details: seat

284.365: swingtime!


The August Break 17

The August Break 17

The toddler took a break.