my boys

mr. roboto

We survived the 6 days without daddy! One of the perks of him being gone is he brings gifts! Andrew got this adorable robot hat. Now he can chant “I.AM.A.ROBOT.” and actually look like one. Nathan got a different more “grown up” hat and I got chocolate! Weee!

The week without daddy wasn’t tough at all. MY dad helped out a lot. My boys lovelovelove grandpa and I lovelovelove not having to walk in the rain to pick up the big kid from school. It was pretty great having him around.

serious kiddo
sheeeeesh. guh-rown.

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Craft Night: Felt Camera

"1, 2, 3, CLICK!"

The night before last, My Girl Thursday and ♥elycia hosted Craft Night! I logged on while they were getting their camera and stream situated and proceeded to cut my pieces during the first few minutes. I followed along with them for about an hour and a half and then had to help with bedtime. I was able to pick up where I left off when I got back and finished all of the sewing that night. I stuffed my camera the next morning and presented it to Andrew.




He LOVES it. I took these photos this morning and you can see where the felt is already pilling. I used the craft-store stuff because that’s all I had on hand. I intended to make it all blue, but…ummmm I ran out. Ha! Oh well. I like the contrasting yellow sides and top/bottom.



Did you participate? Show me!

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A Tale of Little Tumbleweeds


After posting this photo on Twitter, the kind folks over at Tumbleweeds contacted me and asked if we would be interested in reviewing a pair of child-size sunglasses. Of course!


Upon opening the package, I was immediately struck by how tiny the glasses seemed. Surely, they would not fit my toddler’s giant noggin.

triptych: little sunnies

I called him over and was SO happy to be proven wrong.

They fit perfectly! Wearing his dad’s sunglasses, he constantly had to be poking them back over his little button nose. These were so nice and snug. Andrew was super excited, too! Anything he can wear that is like someone else’s in the family–he LOVES. He was so excited when both he and Nathan got similar jackets for Christmas.




These glasses provide the perfect touch of uniqueness while still letting him look like his dad. Plus, they’re super durable! He doesn’t quite yet know how to take them off without stretching them and the frames were just as snug after a few pops on and off.

Many, many thanks to Tumbleweeds for providing these little sunnies for my boy. He is so happy with them. We can’t wait for more sunny days! He’s already ordered me to keep them in my purse all the time. He went so far as to suggest I keep them with my camera. Smart boy!


Andrew’s wearing: Zebra wood sunglasses c/o Tumbleweeds, shirt from Threadless, cardigan from Danielle’s online yard sale, and no pants because that’s how he rolls on Sunday mornings.

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take the picture now: Houston Zoo edition


We decided to take a little trip to the Houston Zoo, this weekend. We invited the boys from our cub scout pack to go with us. We spent five hours there and yet we didn’t see everything. It’s such a massive place! We definitely want to go back and check out other stuff. We have a “Supporting” membership and so we can take a pretty decent group with us. For free! This thing paid for itself after the first visit.





Grandma went with us!

An Instax self-portrait by Nathan. The close-up filter is so cool!
Just say “booooooo!” to flash.
There are TONS of succulent plants (mainly agaves, aloes, and other cacti) around the zoo. Love.

I had my DSLR with me, but I didn’t take it out once. Instead, I used up a whole pack of Instax Wide film. I really love this camera! I posted some Instax photos, last week as well. Maybe next time I’ll get some shots of the animals. Womp.

Toddler Life: fevers & style

the boy with the hat

fever: My sweet little guy woke up around 12:30 am the other night– “there’s something in my rooooom!” I was asleep, but daddy was not, so Andrew ended up in bed with me. The next 5 hours were kind of a blur. See, earlier that night he had a fever. No other symptoms, really, but he was warm. I expected him to fall back asleep, but instead of a blissful slumber with a warm cuddly bear, we pretty much talked all night. Every little shadow he saw, he thought was SOMETHING–kitties, owls, scary ladies, and finally at 4am he declared the shadows were turning daddy GREEN. I assured him daddy was NOT green and that HE wouldn’t turn green if he fell asleep. I could see him drifting in and out, but he wouldn’t just STAY asleep. At least not until around 5:30. I promptly fell asleep after I was sure he was out only to be woken up an hour and a half later to get my oldest ready for school. After sending him and Jason off, I napped with Andy until about NOON. It definitely threw me off, but he was feeling better and there was no pesky fever. Whew!

diptych: silly



shadows and textures

style: He went out with my mom, this afternoon. He wanted to wear his “doctor shirt” (omgosh) and blue jeans. then, when we put on his brown boots and jacket, he noticed the brown hat hanging by the front door. Voila! We have an adorable outfit.


black & white style

hat: $4 clearance at Kohl’s (score!) / shirt: Kohl’s / jacket: thrifted / pants (not shown): Nate’s old Levi’s blue jeans