

I wish you could put your ear up to my heart
and hear how much I love you

“unfinished” by Mineral

The husband leaves for Las Vegas on Saturday, so I’m feeling the blues creeping up. I’m trying to distract myself with various projects, but it’s tough.

About the only thing I’m looking forward to while he’s gone is the evening routine. I KNOW. That sounds weird and awful to do alone, but my boys (especially the little one) listen to me more when dad’s away. I guess having daddy downstairs always tempts them to come down and run crazy all evening. While J is away, I will set them up in bed by 8 and have the evening to myself. I’m planning on cleaning, catching up on Supernatural*, organizing my yarn, and knitting/crocheting. Or maybe I’ll just sleep.

*The past two months, I’ve jetted through the first few seasons and am now kind of addicted. I stay up way too late and may or may not have sobbed for a good 15 minutes after one particularly grueling season finale. How lame do I feel admitting that? Not at all. This show is iiiiintense.

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Toddler Life: fevers & style

the boy with the hat

fever: My sweet little guy woke up around 12:30 am the other night– “there’s something in my rooooom!” I was asleep, but daddy was not, so Andrew ended up in bed with me. The next 5 hours were kind of a blur. See, earlier that night he had a fever. No other symptoms, really, but he was warm. I expected him to fall back asleep, but instead of a blissful slumber with a warm cuddly bear, we pretty much talked all night. Every little shadow he saw, he thought was SOMETHING–kitties, owls, scary ladies, and finally at 4am he declared the shadows were turning daddy GREEN. I assured him daddy was NOT green and that HE wouldn’t turn green if he fell asleep. I could see him drifting in and out, but he wouldn’t just STAY asleep. At least not until around 5:30. I promptly fell asleep after I was sure he was out only to be woken up an hour and a half later to get my oldest ready for school. After sending him and Jason off, I napped with Andy until about NOON. It definitely threw me off, but he was feeling better and there was no pesky fever. Whew!

diptych: silly



shadows and textures

style: He went out with my mom, this afternoon. He wanted to wear his “doctor shirt” (omgosh) and blue jeans. then, when we put on his brown boots and jacket, he noticed the brown hat hanging by the front door. Voila! We have an adorable outfit.


black & white style

hat: $4 clearance at Kohl’s (score!) / shirt: Kohl’s / jacket: thrifted / pants (not shown): Nate’s old Levi’s blue jeans

It’s finally over.

357.365: the last

I never really want it to be over until it’s 8pm and we’ve been going-going-going for 2 days straight and I finally feel like I’ll explode with sugar and happiness. It sounds like it’d be sweet, but…no. If I exploded, it’d be horrible. And so we shuttle home and transfer children from car to bed and then collapse on the couch. I sleep for 12 hours and the next day, we do NOTHING. No cleaning, no sorting, no nothing. And then I REALLY want it to be over.

Yesterday, my mom took my boys for a few hours and I was able to take down the tree and pull down some decorations. They’re all sitting in a box on my living room floor. I want so desperately to be able to do things completely, but I struggle with it. I get distracted easily. I used to have discipline, but it lost its way. Maybe it doesn’t really matter, but sometimes I think it would be nice.

361.365: self portrait in an ornament
taken with my new camera!

It’s over. I’ll miss the ornaments and glitter, but I am really glad things can go back to normal.

How are you? Did Christmas wipe you out? Have you recovered?

Picture the Holidays: Week 3

Got gifts? cut index cards + washi tape = pretty tags

Season of lights

warm glow

352.365: december 18
recharge // knitting by tree-light

making a list

354.365: December 20
wrapped with love

355.365: December 21
attitude adjustment // necklace from blue balloon; I had to have it when I saw it. My Christmas present to myself.

// Week 1 // Week 2 //

Christmas: layered doily tree skirt


I was sitting in my knitting chair (tell me you have a designated knitting spot!) thinking about how I should make a tiny tree skirt for my tiny tabletop tree. I sighed when I realized that December was pretty much already here and I’d have to settle with a quick felt skirt. Nothing against felt, I just don’t have any of the GOOD stuff around and would have to use craft store felt, which is just plastic-y and gross.

I decided to forget about it and arrange one of my new shelves full of yarn. Upon combing through a few bags (tell me you sometimes store your yarn in plastic bags), I found a little stash of doilies. LIGHT!BULB!ON!

I took the base off my tree and threaded the metal tube through a few of the doilies and voila! A pretty lace tree skirt. No sewing, no gluing, no cutting, no nothing. It took me less than a minute to put together.






I like the messy mound of doily snow. I think it’s perfect for this tree full of little doily ornaments


little doily ornament

Now I need a bunch of tiny presents to put under it. I already ordered my husband’s gift off Etsy. It will be the first. I’m finally finishing up my toddler’s socks and I’ll wrap those up for the tree, too. I need the perfect little gift for my 6 year old, though. Hmmmm. He’s already getting a ton of random crap (I know, I know), so I need something meaningful.