Love, life, nature.


With our big move just over the horizon, I’m left thinking of things I may or may not miss about apartment-living.

I will NOT miss sharing a room with toys. My feet are tired of stepping on Matchbox cars. My eyes are tired of seeing little plastic cities all over the place. I want a grown-up room.

I will NOT miss the patio garden. It’s so crampy and I want to put my hands into more dirt than can be contained in a little pot. I want to plant things in the ground. I want some permanence.

I WILL miss the light from the third story window.

I really can’t wait to be out of here. I have tons more packing/sorting/purging to do. I haven’t even started going through toys or clothing. But that’s ok. I’ll suffer long nights of it, if I have to.

flower inspector<3not impressed

Tomorrow is my littlest boy’s birthday. Two. It’s such a nice, round, even number. I like it. I’ll be making my cupcake-of-the-month for him. I hope he loves

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