the 300th day of 2009

365.300: sweetie

Andrew’s a sweet little guy with a new-found disposition to erupt when things don’t go his way. That’s right, my little 17 month old has discovered the tantrum. He thrashes his little legs into oblivion when I pick him up out of the bathroom or kitchen, both places he’s not allowed. He yells his little heart to pieces when I take away something he’s not supposed to have. It’s sad, yes, but such is life and I think a few boundaries are a-okay. He’s really cute, though. Especially when he hugs things. Or when he pretends he’s talking on the phone. Orrrr when he sings in the car then gets oh-so-bashful when I look back at him.


andrew hugs

it’s actually the 301st day of 2009.

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