i like mail

365.287: my first malabrigoI love it when I get packages in the mail. Yesterday, I got THREE. 2 from paperbackswap.com and one that had something AWESOME-R THAN BOOKS in it. What could that be, you ask!?! YARN. deliciously soft and beautifully GREEN yarn.

I think I’m in love, guys. I want to ball it up and use it ASAP. However, because I decided to make those granny square slippers, I stopped working on Celestine. I just hadn’t anticipated how lovely the sock yarn would be. I do have other sock needles, but the ones I’m using for that project are my favorites!

The Malabrigo Sock deserves the best. I’m glad I have a blog to proclaim my love for this inanimate object. :)

1 comment to i like mail

  • The best mail anyone can receive is something they really wanted. I remember receiving scrapbooking materials at the time I was finishing one for a gift. :)