The August Break 06

The August Break 06

OK, I admit it–there is something I will miss about summer. The growth.

The August Break 03

The August Break 03

The boys and I got bored, so we braved the terrible heat for a while. I took photos of plants while they tried to stay out of the sun (the only negative about our big backyard is the lack of shade trees).

I took my Lensbaby out with me. I use it when I want to torture myself. It’s a thrill, really. All the smushing of the bellows to find the sweet spot, the tilt-shift like focus, etc. You manually set the aperture (with aperture disks!) and figure out the shutter speed. It is amazingly fun.



Wordless Wednesday: the succulent centers

Picture Color #30: Pieces /// the succulent centers

succulent centers [2]

succulent centers [3]

the unedibles

diptych: echeveria

More photos taken in my backyard (technically, these are on the patio)! Aren’t you lucky!

These are my little succulents. The ones that sit on a bench on my patio, which gets sunny in the late afternoon/early evening. It gets sun almost all day at the end of summer and NO sun during the winter. I have liked figuring these little things out about my house. We’re approaching our 1 year anniversary of living here. That’s kind of amazing.

the succulent bench



Excuse my bloggy/Twitter absence…I’m in the midst of planning a party for my boys. I’ve procrastinated for too long and there is less than a month to prepare. Their birthdays are two weeks apart, so as long as they’re littles, they will have a shared birthday party. It would be acceptable to put up a birthday banner/decorations for the first birthday and leave them up those two weeks, right?? I want it to be colorful and super FUN.