The August Break 03

The August Break 03

The boys and I got bored, so we braved the terrible heat for a while. I took photos of plants while they tried to stay out of the sun (the only negative about our big backyard is the lack of shade trees).

I took my Lensbaby out with me. I use it when I want to torture myself. It’s a thrill, really. All the smushing of the bellows to find the sweet spot, the tilt-shift like focus, etc. You manually set the aperture (with aperture disks!) and figure out the shutter speed. It is amazingly fun.



Wordless Wednesday: the reaching echeveria

reaching 2

207.365: reaching

diptych: the reaching echeveria

Growth: sun worshipper

the sunflower: in the beginning

the sunflower in the sunset

195.365: the petals

197.365: TWO days later!


199.365: the sun worshipper

I planted a mammoth sunflower seed 3 months ago, way back in April. I should have taken a photo of it as a weee little seedling. I started this series when I noticed a bud on the stalk. “FINALLY!” I thought to myself, when I peaked into the leaves. It took about 3 weeks before petals showed up and then only TWO DAYS for the petals to spread out into the beauty it is now. I am wondering if it will grow any larger. I have to resist posting sun flower shots as my Project 365 photos. It’s pretty tough.


Next Spring, I want to plant about 20 of these along my fence line. Imagine that! Dreamy.

How are your gardens growing??? I gave up on my veggies, because of the huge drought we had been experiencing (and my water bill! gah!) and GUESS WHAT! It started raining this week. No flash floods, but a steady drizzle that I HOPE revives my front lawn. If only I had hung on to the jalapeno plant. I’d have more violently hot (seriously) peppers to scare my family with.

My succulents are thriving, but I need to do some re-potting soon. That makes me anxious, so I’m not going to talk about it ’til it’s done. My name is Lisa and I am an awkward gardener.

Freshly picked

132.365: fresh pick

I picked the first cucumber off my plant, today! I’m so excited to slice it up! I’m a little weary it will be the best tasting cucumber, because I just thought I should leave it on the vine to get super huge. After a bit of research on harvesting them, I learned you can harvest them early (i.e. small), but harvesting them late can lead to hard seeds and bitter cucumbers. Eeeek! This one isn’t too yellow, but I’m kind of nervous. EITHER WAY, I’m super pumped about my plants actually producing fruit for us. I can’t wait to harvest more!

the unedibles

diptych: echeveria

More photos taken in my backyard (technically, these are on the patio)! Aren’t you lucky!

These are my little succulents. The ones that sit on a bench on my patio, which gets sunny in the late afternoon/early evening. It gets sun almost all day at the end of summer and NO sun during the winter. I have liked figuring these little things out about my house. We’re approaching our 1 year anniversary of living here. That’s kind of amazing.

the succulent bench



Excuse my bloggy/Twitter absence…I’m in the midst of planning a party for my boys. I’ve procrastinated for too long and there is less than a month to prepare. Their birthdays are two weeks apart, so as long as they’re littles, they will have a shared birthday party. It would be acceptable to put up a birthday banner/decorations for the first birthday and leave them up those two weeks, right?? I want it to be colorful and super FUN.