up late

I’ve been doing that a lot. I don’t head to bed until it’s 2am, wake up a few hours later to get Nathan ready for school, stay up in the morning, yawning away, trying to be productive with my home. Then, I collapse next to Andrew, while trying to wake him up. He sleeps in. A lot. so, it’ll be 9am and I go stroke his chubby face and in between telling him I’ll fix him a yummy breakfast and that he needs a diaper change, I snooze. I wake with a start, sometimes hours later. And it’s lunch time. I usually feel worse.

I’ve let my blog reader get out of control. Well, really, I just haven’t had any time to read blogs, check on twitter, whatever. I have been busy with the breakfast room, busy with my living room, busy with my carpet, busy with home. It feels good. In one of those, “my feet hurt so bad because I’ve been barefoot forever just walking around the house!” or “I’m so tired, but let’s walk through Ikea, without taking shortcuts!” or “I’m so sleepy, but I want to finish these damn french knots!” way. It’s a good tired. My room had a little craft explosion set off, but I’m on the edge of not caring. I haven’t worked on berets or merchandise for my shop, but I’m having a smidge of fun jotting down ideas for patterns in my too-tiny pocket notebook.

It’s after 3am. I’m exhausted.

I promise to at least attempt to catch up, tomorrow. If there’s something completely amazing that I’ve missed in blogland, this week, please do link a girl up.

Until I have time to blog more thoroughly, here’s a photo of my littlest snuggling with my doily pillow:


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