
I apologize for the neglect of this blog. It’s just hard to sit down and post when you have a chubby little guy pawing after you wanting milkies and lovies all day. I end up making things while I nurse him or when it’s late at night and all the boys have finally…finally!…gone to bed.

my sewing machine has taken a back seat to the fiber arts: knitting, crocheting, needlework. Those are all easy to do while you breastfeed. I have quite a few projects in my queue. MORE than I want to even talk about. I recently moved things around in my craft zone and piled all my “incompletes” on top of each other. really, a lot are “never starteds” and it makes me feel like I haven’t done ANYTHING in a long time. Ever since the beginning of my pregnancy, I’ve been less enthusiastic about crafting. On the other hand, I’ve been totally gung-ho about collecting craft supplies. Seriously! I don’t usually buy full-price, though. I gather coupons, I visit garage sales and thrift stores, and I scour closeouts. Just the other day, I visited a JoAnn that’s closing and bought 15 zippers! 15! I don’t even make things with zippers, BUT they were 90% off and I couldn’t resist. Who DOESN’T buy something that’s 90% off??? Crazy people, that’s for sure. I also bought a whole bunch of Gütermann thread at 80% off. The store closes (it’s actually moving to a new, BIGGER location) tomorrow and it’s making me anxious! I want to go right.this.very.minute. I think I may wipe them out of thread and zippers. They’re already out of useful yarn (wool) and only have yarn I’d pretty much never use (novelty). I would like to scour the remaining fabrics, but I usually have a baby attached to me and he gets fussy when I stop moving, so I tend to go in and come out really quick. Maybe I’ll check out the 90%-off remnants bin. There’s bound to be something in there I can use, right?

this is the chunk who keeps me from my sewing machine..
smiley sit

but I can make things like this while I nurse..
cross stitched L

on the needles:
sock-ease: lemon drop
deliciously lemony socks