updated list

here’s my updated list of to-do’s before Andrew gets here:

  1. finish his blanket (90% done–see sidebar!)
  2. make some rice or flax packs for labor (I’ve sewn a few circular ones and even the long skinny one I mentioned in a previous post)
  3. finish the next pair of knit shorties (80-90% done–just need one more leg!)
  4. make a boppy or other nursing pillow. I bought a used, but sanitized “Brest-friend” pillow at the thrift store for $3!
  5. knit the second arm on the gown & i-cord ties.
  6. sew some nursing pads
  7. get my birth announcements ready (so all I have to do is insert a photo/s, info, and print them)
  8. relax.

so, in the past 5 days, I’ve only finished the shorts and made progress on the blanket. However, I’ve also made 2 pairs booties, a hat, and a bonnet (for another baby). that’s 4 things that weren’t even on my list! The offer was made on the house we were looking at, yesterday, so I suspect I’m going to be knitting, crocheting, and sewing a TON this week and next. I am SO nervous.

1 comment to updated list

  • Maybe you could add a swaddle ribbon to your to-do list. I crocheted a few while pregnant with my 4th — but they were all too narrow and too short. A friend knit one for me — 4 inches wide and 8 feet long (3 rows knit, 3 rows purl, repeat) — it’s perfect. My baby loves to be swaddled. One thing I like about swaddling with a ribbon is that I can dress baby in a gown, and swaddle over that — no blanket. Also, it hold them in a snug and comforting swaddle long after they are old enough to wiggle right of any blanket swaddle. Dr. Harvey Karp has a YouTube video about why babies like to be swaddled. Enjoy your new baby!!