Chocolate attack!

double chocolate chip cookies

I made cookies, today. I used this recipe. I only had about 6oz of chocolate chips, so I ended up melting 3 and then folding 3 into the batter. I also added about half a teaspoon of cinnamon and half a teaspoon of chipotle chili powder into the cocoa-flour mixture. The spice is like a little echo in your mouth. You don’t really feel/taste it until you’ve swallowed. It’s YUM.

Now, go make some cookies!

p.s. Until Mother’s Day, EVERY order from the goodknits shop will receive a free mini-brooch! I ran out of pins, so I haven’t been able to update with the sweet little brooches I’ve made, but I hope to do so this weekend. Hope everyone has a lovely day!

p.p.s. goodknits is now on Twitter! Specific blog/shop/crafty updates: Add me, pretty please! I’ll reciprocate.:D