The lovely Debra Parker of the sunshine chronicles has been giving weekend photo challenges the past couple of weeks. This weekend’s challenge is stripes! I always see the challenges and make a mental note to do them, but then….the note disappears in my brain (it is like SO vast and full of amazing thoughts!) and I view her posts on Monday and feel bad that I can’t contribute.
SO! I did this one early. I was on the lookout for stripes from the moment I woke up.
the first ones I saw were shadows on the wall. Then, I slowly looked around and noticed the ones on my bookcase.

These Polaroid photos remind me that the next time I’m at a yarn store, I need to pick up a few balls in these colors. Polaroid-inspired aghan, anyone? Oh yes.
Moving along outside. This is a few hours later. The mission is to tucker out these kiddos. Just let them play outside. All.Day.Long. Have I mentioned I love having a backyard? Because I do.
Andrew was wearing my favorite stripes of the day.

Nathan picked up this hat at a thrift store. He likes rainbows, so it was an obvious decision. He used money he got from the tooth fairy! I’ll spare you the photos of the stitches in his mouth. He had 3 supernumerary teeth removed on Thursday. They had to remove his central incisors to access them. They were behind and above (impacted!). That’s 5 teeth in total, guys. I can hear your collective cringe!

He took it to bed with him. He said in case the tooth fairy wants to see what he bought.
I asked him to show me more stripes and he pointed down…

Well duh! He got these shoes about a month ago and they are so worn already! the black little edging at the toe is rubbed off. He wears them everyday to school.
I don’t know if this really qualifies as a stripy photo, but I like the lines, so I’m including it:

There are more and more leaves turning red in our trees. Excitment abounds! Nate spent a good 5 minutes throwing a ball into the tree trying to get one to come down.

The sun sets, the shadows become more pronounced, and my stripe-hunt comes to an end. It was fun! I hope to participate in future challenges. I might have to set up a task reminder in Google. I might forget otherwise.