little things

birdie coin purse

I made this little zippered coin purse for my sister for her birthday. I’ve been really lagging on crafts lately. It has to do with my oh-so-clingy-but-lovable baby. Even though I can knit while I nurse, I haven’t been doing much of that either. A knit hat that could have been done in a day has been on my needle for almost a week already! I wanted to knit a cowl for someone for Christmas, but I’m afraid I’ll start it and not complete it in time for gifting. While I’m sure the recipient wouldn’t mind a late gift, I wouldn’t feel right. so, I took advantage of the shirt sale and stocked up on some gifts just in case I can’t make everything I want.

Wow…I can’t even finish this blog entry for the little one senses I am not there and wants me. I’m not complaining because…tada! I can nurse at the keyboard.

I’ve miraculously [almost] finished our Christmas cards before the middle of the month! I usually end up passing cards out on Christmas day. This time, I’m on top of it and perhaps some will go out in the mail within the next couple of days. All I need to do is pickup the prints then tape them into the cards, which have already been otherwise decorated. I did that pretty late last night, which explains the extreme fatigue I had this morning. Tomorrow, I get to address about 20 envelopes!

The Christmas season is fun.

starting a hex quilt

Thanks to all the awesome photos in the English Paper-Piecing Flickr group, I started a hexagon quilt on Sunday. I bought a set of coordinating fat quarters (there were a lot, in a cute little tin) and decided on a cute pattern to put them in. I’m using freezer paper to stick my hexagons to my fabric. I’ve attached seven together so far. I got antsy and just sewed up my 7 lonely hexagons. I’ll make more later this week and perhaps photograph my progress.

I still haven’t finished the dodecahedron I started weeks ago. Using worsted weight yarn with small needles really makes my hands ache, so I’m giving it a rest for a while. This hand-sewing is fun. I hope I can finish it and not get unmotivated after a few days. I need to make a lot of hexagons, so that I get to a point where there’s no lookin’ back.

it’s been a while

Forgive me for my absence! I had a lot going on. I made 27–27!!– little rice packs as thank yous for the attendees of my baby shower. no, there were not 27 people there, but I made extras, just in case. Those took about 3 separate evenings to make. they were little 3″ x 6″ rectangular packs. I think everyone liked ’em.

Since then, the household has been a little on edge preparing for our new arrival. I’m currently 37 weeks pregnant! full-term! huzzah! I finished the ripple blanket for my baby and a poofy girly blanket for my cousin’s fetus. I also finished preparing the birth announcements (I made a layout in photoshop and just need photo/s and info; I also made the envelopes), but I’m not quite sure they’re done FOR SURE. I’m being really weird about them for some reason. they look fine as is, but something in my brain says “keep working on them!” maybe a stamp or something will bring it all together.

This brings me to today. While the husband went to a meeting with a prospective employer, I put on a movie for the toddler and went to town making a pair of cloth baby shoes using the Stardust shoes pattern. They were a pain in the butt to make (mainly attaching the back to the sole) but I think they’re ADORABLE!

tiny cloth shoes

Itty Bitty Owl

little pink owl
Originally uploaded by yarnattacks.

I used this “tutowlrial”.

it took about 10 minutes to make. the longest part was cutting the pieces because there’s no pattern, so you kind of have to fudge it. I omitted the base because I’m lazy. I also didn’t want to look for any cardboard.
she measures about an inch and a half from top to bottom. so tiny and cute! I have had this tutorial sitting in my bookmarks for months! I started one out of felt, but then forgot about it and now I can’t find said felt, so I just made this out of some scrap fabric. I wish I had better fabric to make cuter ones. they’d be such an adorable little mobile!