Ganache love

ganache cookie 1

There’s a family cookie exchange on Saturday, so I’m doing some testing. I have made thumbprint cookies almost every year since 2003. That’s 2 years before my motherhood. I’ve always been more of a baker than a cook. If I could provide cupcakes for breakfast and cookies for dinner, I would.

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I also made some with raspberry jam, per my mother’s request.

Anyway, this year, I wanted something a little different. I decided to try my hand at ganache. Delicous, velvety, ganache heaven. I went with a bittersweet chocolate, so the flavor is very dark. I think it complements the cookie very well! I’ve always loved the flavor of dark chocolate, however, I am wondering if I could make the ganache with white chocolate, so that I could tint it red and make these more festive. Any thoughts on that?

ganache cookie 3


Are you baking any cookies for the holidays? I would love to browse recipes and/or baking blog posts!