Day 18: What I wore today


This is what I wore for most of the morning/afternoon while I cleaned and then got through preparing my Lace Love packages to be shipped. THANK YOU to all who have bought their copy! I am so excited for you to receive them. :)

Anyway, I wore a flannel shirt and jeans. No shoes, messy hair, no fanciness whatsoever. What a letdown this post must be!

I’m happy to say I’m wearing something different right now because I’m about to go off on a date with my baby sister (she’ll be 21 in three weeks, so she’s hardly a baby) to see BREAKING DAWN. Yeah! I said it. We’re in our twenties and we like cheesy teenage vampire flicks.

So Fawned 30 Days Hath November

Day 17: My family

313.365: the treats

my littlest boys

unfair advantage

and the boy who made them possible (heh)

p.s. those blazers are featured in our Christmas card, this year. My kiddos luhluhlooove them.

So Fawned 30 Days Hath November

Day 16: Someone who inspires me


This was a tough one!
I am constantly being inspired by people I meet through this blog. Heck, through the blogging world in general. They inspire me creatively and they inspire me to do better with my life.
To be a better mother,
to be a better photographer,
to be a better crafter,
to be a better blogger,
to be a better person.
I think it’s only fair to include EVERYONE.
You. Yes, you! You inspire me.

There, I said it. Thank you.

So Fawned 30 Days Hath November

Day 15: Some style inspiration for the season

Autumn Style by goodknits

I’m probably the least stylish person ever. Here’s the closest thing. Jeans, tshirt, cardigan, hat, scarf. Minus the hat and scarf on days like today where it is warm and humid out. OK, Autumn, we get it, you know how to hide. Come out, come out, wherever you are! I miss cool weather.

So Fawned 30 Days Hath November

Day 14: a favorite movie (!!)

It’s a Wonderful Life
It’s a favorite of my dad and I. Growing up, he would put it on several times throughout the Christmas season. I didn’t like it at first, but then I watched it and it became my favorite holiday movie. We start watching it around Thanksgiving and put it away after the New Year. I will sometimes let it play while I clean or put it on as background noise when we have a get together.

aaaand dance by the light of the mooooon

So Fawned 30 Days Hath November