Picture the Holidays: Week 3

Got gifts? cut index cards + washi tape = pretty tags

Season of lights

warm glow

352.365: december 18
recharge // knitting by tree-light

making a list

354.365: December 20
wrapped with love

355.365: December 21
attitude adjustment // necklace from blue balloon; I had to have it when I saw it. My Christmas present to myself.

// Week 1 // Week 2 //

Picture the Holidays: Week 2

342.365: December 8
Reflecting on the season.

December 9
It’s a sign!

344.365: December 10
twinkle, twinkle

December 11
shaping up

346.365: December 12
a whole lot of happy

347.365: December 13
simply divine

sincerely yours

I am finally getting caught up with posting these photos. They have been going into a folder in my December folder and just sitting there. I’ve been editing when I get a free moment. I’m in the midst of a huge toy purge and laundry is slaaaying me.

Also? Not a fan of my boys being together ALL DAY LONG. Really. It sounds awful, but they NEED the break school provides. 10 hours together and they’re pretty much hating each other by the end of it. Wash, rinse, repeat, every…single….day.

Picture the Holidays: Week 1

December 1
Day 1: Holding on to gratitude.

December 2
Day 2: Re-framing the season.

337.365: December 3
Day 3: All you need is love.

338.365: December 4
Day 4: The key [to my peace of mind].

339.365: December 5
Day 5: The view from here.

340.365: December 6
Day 6: Every little thing.

December 7
Day 7: Expressing myself.

I am once again getting amazing photography prompts via email every morning from Tracey Clark via Paper Coterie. I am ever so thankful because my Project 365 was starting to feel very tiresome. I guess the end of the year is just draining a lot of my creativity and so photography got put on the back burner. I’m happy to start feeling excited about it again!