Pattern: Fortune’s Shawlette from Moogly Blog
Yarn: Hawthorne Fingering Kettle Dye Yarn in Slate
Hook: 5.00mm (US H/8)
Hi, guys. Remember me? I want to talk about this shawl and soothing crochet in general.
Stitch patterns like the one in Fortune’s Shawlette create an environment for your mind to relax. After the first few repetitions, you don’t really have to think about it anymore; your hands know what to do. That’s what makes a good comfort shawl pattern–a stitch pattern you don’t have to think about, so you can pray for/about healing. Each stitch is free to transform from an “over, through, over, through” in your mind to a “thank you, God” or any other thought/prayer you need to put out there. I don’t think this was necessarily meant to be a prayer shawl, but it certainly was a great pattern to use as one.

Crochet is such a pwoerful tool to use to bring comfort and healing to yourself and others.