take the picture now: Houston Zoo edition


We decided to take a little trip to the Houston Zoo, this weekend. We invited the boys from our cub scout pack to go with us. We spent five hours there and yet we didn’t see everything. It’s such a massive place! We definitely want to go back and check out other stuff. We have a “Supporting” membership and so we can take a pretty decent group with us. For free! This thing paid for itself after the first visit.





Grandma went with us!

An Instax self-portrait by Nathan. The close-up filter is so cool!
Just say “booooooo!” to flash.
There are TONS of succulent plants (mainly agaves, aloes, and other cacti) around the zoo. Love.

I had my DSLR with me, but I didn’t take it out once. Instead, I used up a whole pack of Instax Wide film. I really love this camera! I posted some Instax photos, last week as well. Maybe next time I’ll get some shots of the animals. Womp.

take the picture now

there are blue skies in my dreams

there are blue skies in my dreams
and laughter that seems un-ending
there are green grass fields there
and happiness and hopes for tomorrow





Just a few photos from our weekend taken with my Instax 210. We were in our old neighborhood, so we passed by one of the parks we used to take the boys to and found it torn down and replaced with this new…weird structure. There was a slide there that had NO EDGES on it. AND it had an awkward twist way up top. It was terrifying! I was kind of bummed to see this new place because I took some pretty lovely photos of the boys there when Andrew was a baby. Oh yeah, there are also no swings left behind at the park. I’d be so upset if we still lived in the area!

Instax Love! & Lace Love update

Instax: kitteeehhh

Soooo, it took me a few days, but I have SO totally warmed up to my Instax 210!

Instax: le loveseat

290.365: Instax: boys!

Instax: freaky tree face

These are photos of photos. I tried my scanner and…just no. It’s horrible.


I’m about 80% done with the booklet, you guys. It’s pretty satisfying to look at the print preview in Publisher and see all that info and photos put together and…! It’s just really cool. As soon as it’s done, I’m going to start some previews of the patterns to introduce them. I want the booklet to be available in both print and PDF. If you buy the printed version, you will get the PDF as well, but there’s just SOMETHING about having a booklet in your hand to read and look through. Do you know what I mean? The print edition will probably be a limited thing and I’ll send along some goodies (like postcards and maybe some thread for you to crochet your own doily brooch) with each.

I hope your week started off wonderfully!

Lace Love: Getting There

287.365: the blanket kid diptych

Hello, friends!
Things have been rather quiet around here as I’ve been putting most of my efforts into finishing up this booklet. I have finally made all the technical edits I wanted and only have to actually put the thing together. I’ve written an intro (I felt like a big ol’ dork) and composed a glossary with abbreviations used in the patterns. It’s really coming along!

The photo above is my son snuggling up with doily blanket #2. It’s bigger than the other one, but the pattern isn’t as complicated. It’s still pretty stunning, though. I’m totally keeping it.

blanket boy


Also–I finally caved and got an Instax. I chose the 210 because it reminds me of my Spectra. Oh, I miss using my Spectra. Someone give me a million dollars so I can buy lots of film. My SX-70 is feeling neglected, too.